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King's Fire Church, Vineyard Church, and Kingston Vineyard - 2006-2012
 02-24-2013 - Andy Elmes - Next stop abundance
 02-03-2013 - Vaughan Jarrold - Relationships
 01-13-2013 - Vaughan Jarrold - Love Your Neighbor
 12-23-2012 - Vaughan Jarrold - Perilous Times
 12-16-2012 - Dr Leon van Rooyen - Urgency
 12-14-2012 - Dr Leon van Rooyen - Leader Shift
 12-09-2012 - Josh Ortman - Your Alignment
 12-02-2012 - Vaughan Jarrold - Fresh Oil
 11-25-2012 - Josh Ortman - Do You See What I See
 11-18-2012 - Josh Ortman - Dominion & The Heart
 11-11-2012 - Josh Ortman - Work & Increase
 11-04-2012 - Vaughan Jarrold - Being Rooted
 10-28-2012 - Pastor Don Richter - Transform your thinking
 10-21-2012 - Vaughan Jarrold - Watch This
 10-14-2012 - Vaughan Jarrold - India & The Unseen
 10-07-2012 - Pastor Thomas Chibwela - Your condition is changing
 09-30-2012 - Wendy Kari & Diane - Valleys
 09-23-2012 - Vaughan & Alice Jarrold - Simplicity
 09-16-2012 - Josh Ortman - Rememberance
 09-11-2012 - Dr Leon van Rooyen - Gods Call to the Nations
 09-10-2012 - Dr Leon van Rooyen - Supernatural
 09-09-2012 - Dr Leon van Rooyen - A Life Without Limits
 09-02-2012 - Vaughan Jarrold - Fellowship
 08-26-2012 - Josh Ortman - Response Ability
 08-19-2012 - Josh Ortman - Discipline
 08-05-2012 - Pastor Ephiel - As Many As Are Led
 07-29-2012 - Josh Ortman - Be of Good Courage
 07-22-2012 - Josh Ortman - Bravery
 07-20-2012 - Bruce Van Natta & Bruce Carlson - Testimony
 07-15-2012 - Josh Ortman - Courage
 07-08-2012 - Vaughan Jarrold - Unconvinced
 07-01-2012 - Vaughan Jarrold - Grace
 06-24-2012 - Josh Ortman - Purpose
 06-17-2012 - Vaughan Jarrold - Fathers
 06-10-2012 - Don Mapes - Africa Testimony
 05-27-2012 - Andre Roebert - Absolute Faith
 05-20-2012 - Vaughan Jarrold - Don't Ask How
 05-13-2012 - Jeremiah Bowser - King David
 05-13-2012 - Bob Sorge - God's Story For Your Life
 05-12-2012 - Jeremiah Bowser - Universal Language
 05-12-2012 - Courtney Bowser - Another Worship
 05-12-2012 - Bob Sorge - God of Jacob
 05-11-2012 - Jeremiah Bowser - The Breathe of God
 05-06-2012 - Vaughan Jarrold - Focus on the Word
 04-29-2012 - Vaughan Jarrold - Separate the Chaff
 04-22-2012 - Vaughan Jarrold - Good Works of Faith
 04-15-2012 - Vaughan Jarrold - Faith Is Now
 04-08-2012 - Vaughan Jarrold - The Resurrection
 04-08-2012 - KLC - Josh Ortman - Character of A Leader
 04-01-2012 - Vaughan Jarrold - Manifestations
 03-25-2012 - Vaughan Jarrold - Saugerties Transplant
 03-18-2012 - Vaughan Jarrold - Origin of Relationships
 03-11-2012 - Josh Ortman - Secrets Revealed
 03-04-2012 - Vaughan Jarrold - Are You A Friend Of God
 03-01-2012 - Andy Elmes - The Missional Church
 03-01-2012 - Andy Elmes - Strategic Church Planting
 02-26-2012 - Ortmans - India Testimonies
 02-19-2012 - Jeff Martin - Your Walk
 02-12-2012 - Vaughan Jarrold - Sanctification
 02-05-2012 - Pastor Ephiel - It Died To Me
 01-29-2012 - Vaughan Jarrold - What Was His Purpose
 01-22-2012 - Josh Ortman - What Do You See
 01-15-2012 - Josh Ortman - Abraham's Faith
 01-08-2012 - Vaughan Jarrold - Prophets
 01-01-2012 - Josh Ortman - Rebuke them sharply
 12-24-2011 - Vaughan Jarrold - Who Is Your God
 12-18-2011 - India Testimonies & Josh Ortman
 12-12-2011 - Dr Leon Van Rooyen - The Good Hand of God Part 3
 12-11-2011 - Dr Leon Van Rooyen - The Good Hand of God Part 2
 12-11-2011 - Dr Leon Van Rooyen - The Good Hand of God
 12-04-2011 - Josh Ortman - What is real?
 12-02-2011 - Mike Petzer - Abide
 12-01-2011 - Mike Petzer - Authentic Christianity
 11-27-2011 - Vaughan Jarrold - Mysteries of God II
 11-20-2011 - Vaughan Jarrold - Mysteries of God
 11-13-2011 - Josh Ortman - Complete Victory
 11-06-2011 - Josh Ortman - Our God has ears
 10-30-2011 - Rich Caliendo - It's on you
 10-23-2011 - Vaughan Jarrold - Olive Press
 10-09-2011 - Josh Ortman - Reproduction
 10-02-2011 - Don Mapes - Exemplary Faith
 09-25-2011 - Vaughan Jarrold - Why Are You Laughing
 09-18-2011 - Josh Ortman - A Process
 09-11-2011 - Josh Ortman - You Have Been Bought
 09-04-2011 - Pastor Vaughan - Where Does Help Come From
 08-30-2011 - Dr Leon Van Rooyen - Moving in the Spirit
 08-29-2011 - Dr Leon Van Rooyen - Touch of God
 08-28-2011 - Dr Leon Van Rooyen - Multi-Dimensional Living
 08-28-2011 - Dr Leon Van Rooyen - Just Faith
 08-21-2011 - Vaughan Jarrold - An Impossible Life
 08-07-2011 - Josh Ortman - Alive
 07-31-2011 - India Testimonies & A Broad Place
 07-24-2011 - Josh Ortman - Fellowship with one another
 07-17-2011 - Josh Ortman - The Place
 07-10-2011 - Josh Ortman - Vicariously
 07-03-2011 - Vaughan Jarrold - Whatever
 06-26-2011 - Josh Ortman - Simplicity
 06-19-2011 - Vaughan Jarrold - Happy Son's Day
 06-05-2011 - Vaughan Jarrold - Pioneers
 05-29-2011 - Robbi Housen - Empowered
 05-22-2011 - Joshua Ortman - On Growth
 05-15-2011 - Josh Ortman - Make The Movie
 05-08-2011 - Jane Petzer - A Mary Heart
 05-06-2011 - DD - Kim Mapes - How Bad Do You Want It
 05-06-2011 - DD - Diane Caliendo - Proclamations for Yourself and the Church
 05-06-2011 - DD - Brenda Halsted - The Defilement of an evil report
 05-06-2011 - DD - Brenda Halsted - Life & Death in the Power of Your tongue
 05-05-2011 - DD - Jane Petzer - His Heart Trusts in Her
 05-01-2011 - Josh Ortman - Energy
 04-24-2011 - Vaughan Jarrold - What a great Salvation
 04-17-2011 - Josh Ortman - What are you waiting for?
 04-10-2011 - Jeff Martin - You Don't Belong in Egypt
 04-03-2011 - Vaughan Jarrold & Josh Ortman - Sanctuary B
 03-27-2011 - Pastor Vaughan - Following the Cloud
 03-13-2011 - Righteousness Consciousness
 03-06-2011 - India Team & Josh Ortman - Alignment
 03-03-2011 - Andy Elmes - Hope
 02-27-2011 - Josh Ortman - Good News
 02-20-2011 - Josh Ortman - The God Who Is
 02-19-2011 - Kari Politylo - Your Voice
 02-13-2011 - Vaughan Jarrold - Phosphorous
 02-06-2011 - Vaughan Jarrold - Greatness
 01-30-2011 - Josh Ortman - 99.9%
 01-29-2011 - Don Mapes - Have You Asked Him
 01-23-2011 - Josh Ortman - A Call of Urgency
 01-16-2011 - Josh Ortman - Can You Hear Faith
 01-09-2011 - Josh Ortman - How You Identify
 01-02-2011 - Vaughan & Josh - Vision Casting
 12-26-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - India & Increase
 12-19-2010 - Dr.Leon Van Royen - Generosity
 12-12-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - Your Leadership
 12-05-2010 - Joshua Ortman - How Could You
 11-28-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - Heavenly Vision
 11-21-2010 - Josh & Elaine Ortman - Faith and Victory
 11-20-2010 - Daniel Ray - On Humility
 11-14-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - The Word In AND Out
 11-07-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - Exploits in India
 10-31-2010 - Don Mapes - Share the Love
 10-24-2010 - Josh Ortman - Ownership
 10-17-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - Both India and Lifegroups
 10-10-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - Garment of God
 10-03-2010 - Pastor Thomas - Servanthood
 09-26-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - Contentment
 09-19-2010 - Diane Caliendo - Maturity and Discernment
 09-12-2010 - Josh Ortman - What is Behind the Word
 09-05-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - Exhaustion & Refreshing
 08-22-2010 - Pastor Don - Taking Responsibility
 08-08-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - Praise Is My Purpose
 08-08-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - Monogamy
 08-01-2010 - Josh Ortman - Pure Joy
 07-31-2010 - Chris Xavier & Tim - If God Be for You
 07-25-2010 - Jamaica Team
 07-24-2010 - Joshua Ortman - Obedience and Joy
 07-18-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - Don't Believe Ben-Hadad
 07-17-2010 - David Ray - That One Thing
 07-11-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - Out of the Boat and Into Your World
 07-10-2010 - Josh Ortman - Consider How they Grow
 07-04-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - Getting Off the Porch-
 07-03-2010 - Don Mapes - Cut it Off
 06-27-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - Your Lips
 06-26-2010 - Xavier & Tony Raiola - Focus & Reconciliation
 06-20-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - A Fathers Legacy & Your Confidence
 06-19-2010 - Chris Politylo - Eternity
 06-13-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - The Affect of Victory
 06-12-2010 - Don Mapes - Your Victory
 06-06-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - The God of Peace
 06-05-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - Victory
 05-30-2010 - Gary & Vaughan - The Assembly & Mind Renewed
 05-23-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - Renewing the mind II
 05-22-2010 - Tim Rosario - Perfect & Great
 05-16-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - Renewing the Spirit of the mind
 05-15-2010 - Bill Bates - Forgiveness
 05-09-2010 - Elaine Ortman & Kim Mapes - Power of Submission
 05-06-2010 - Andy Elmes - Whats Love got to do with it
 05-02-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - Hearing the voice of God
 05-01-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - Spirit Soul & Body
 04-25-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold & The Pastoral Team - Joining the Fellowship
 04-25-2010 - Steve Smith - Team Ministry
 04-24-2010 - C2 - Vaughan Jarrold - A Co-Labouring Marriage
 04-24-2010 - C2 - Phillip Smethurst - Cyberspace Sectors
 04-24-2010 - C2 - Ephiel Makamuri - Walking in Love
 04-23-2010 - C2 - Steve Chase - Shock & Awe
 04-23-2010 - C2 - Dr.Leon Van Royen - God & Sons Inc
 04-23-2010 - C2 - Dr.Leon Van Royen - Co-Labourers of Love
 04-22-2010 - C2 - Phillip Smethurst - To This End I Labor
 04-22-2010 - C2 - Mike Petzer - Perfect
 04-22-2010 - C2 - Jaron Halsted - Submission
 04-22-2010 - C2 - Chris Scarinzi - All in the Family
 04-22-2010 - C2 - Angelo Parisi - Warm Water
 04-21-2010 - C2 - Rudi Louw - On Love
 04-21-2010 - C2 - Roy Fields - Being Chosen
 04-21-2010 - C2 - Ephiel Makamuri - On Character
 04-20-2010 - C2 - Mike Petzer - Dont Dishonor The Sacrifice
 04-18-2010 - Alice Jarrold - India and The Anointing
 04-17-2010 - Alice Jarrold - The Anointing
 04-11-2010 - Pastoral Team
 04-04-2010 - Pastoral Team - Ressurection Life
 03-28-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - Why Israel Part II
 03-21-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - Why Israel
 03-20-2010 - Robert Ienuso - Broken Vessels
 03-14-2010 - The Caliendos - Power of Healing Prayer
 03-07-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - Are You Really Listening
 03-06-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - Gap Toothed Princess
 02-28-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - The Title Deed
 02-21-2010 - Pastor Jeff Martin - FAITH
 02-20-2010 - NOW Generation Service
 02-10-2010 - Dr. Leon van Rooyen - Leadership II
 02-10-2010 - Dr. Leon van Rooyen - Leadership I
 02-10-2010 - Dr. Leon van Rooyen - Discipleship
 02-09-2010 - Dr. Leon van Rooyen - Honor
 02-08-2010 - Dr. Leon van Rooyen - Gifts of the Spirit
 02-07-2010 - Dr. Leon van Rooyen - The Force of Unity
 02-06-2010 - Dr. Leon van Rooyen - A Culture of Sacrifice
 01-31-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - Diligence
 01-24-2010 - Steve Smith - Building the Church
 01-23-2010 - Azerbaijan Caban - Love
 01-16-2010 - Pastor Chris Scarinzi - The Measure of Man
 01-10-2010 - Vaughan Jarrold - God plus nothing
 01-10-2010 - Pastor Don Mapes - Don't Turn Your Back On God
 01-03-2010 - Steve Smith - The Joy of the Lord
 01-03-2010 - Pastor Don Mapes - God's Initiative & Your Response
 12-27-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold - The Day of the Holy Spirit
 12-27-2009 - Steve Smith - Touch the Garment
 12-20-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold - We Want To Grow
 12-16-2009 - KFSM - Vaughan Jarrold - The Righteous Man
 12-16-2009 - KFSM - Steve Smith - Iron Sharpens Iron
 12-13-2009 - Josh Ortman - Pursuing God & Love
 12-06-2009 - Phillip Smethurst - Timbuktu
 12-05-2009 - Philip Smethurst - The Zeal of the Lord Of Hosts
 12-01-2009 - KFSM - Vaughan Jarrold - Prophecy
 12-01-2009 - KFSM - Steve Smith - Realms of the Spirit
 11-29-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold - Let go of your mouse
 11-29-2009 - Steve Smith - The Sovereignty of God
 11-15-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold - Burn your measuring tape
 11-14-2009 - Pastor Mahunti - The Issue of Blood
 11-08-2009 - Steve Smith - Revival
 11-08-2009 - Pastor Ephiel - Divine Favor
 11-07-2009 - Ernie Fink - Take the Water With You
 11-03-2009 - KFSM - Steve Smith - Mighty Warrior Part II
 11-01-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold - On Love
 11-01-2009 - Steve Smith - Mighty Warrior
 10-31-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold - All Night Prayer Opening
 10-31-2009 - KFSM - Steve Smith - Hungering for God
 10-29-2009 - KFSM - Vaughan Jarrold - A demand upon God
 10-25-2009 - Gary Whittaker - Living Revival Together
 10-24-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold - Simplicity
 10-18-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold - We Will Go
 10-17-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold - Quiet Confidence
 10-11-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold - Blessed
 10-11-2009 - Steve Smith - The oil
 10-10-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold - Raising the bar
 10-04-2009 - Josh & Elaine Ortman - Commanded to love
 10-03-2009 - Donald Mapes - Evidence of a converted life
 09-29-2009 - KFSM - Steve Smith - How to Release The Power
 09-27-2009 - Pastoral Team - Vision Casting
 09-26-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold - The Hard Sayings of Jesus
 09-25-2009 - Steve Smith - 3 Anointings Before the Return of Jesus
 09-22-2009 - KFSM - Steve Smith - Five Ingrediants of the Anointing
 09-20-2009 - Rich & Diane Caliendo - Get out of the boat
 09-19-2009 - Donald Mapes - The Words of God
 09-18-2009 - Steve Smith - Following & Serving Jesus
 09-18-2009 - KFSM - Steve Smith - Church Planting
 09-13-2009 - Steve Smith - Healings
 09-13-2009 - Gary Whittaker - Its Not About You
 09-12-2009 - Donald Mapes - Taking Responsibility Over Sin
 09-11-2009 - Steve Smith - Fresh Oil
 09-08-2009 - KFSM - Steve Smith - Keeping Revival Fire Going
 09-06-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold - Forget not all his benefits
 09-06-2009 - Rodney H Brown - God's blessings
 09-05-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold - Prophecy Part II
 09-04-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold - Prophecy
 09-01-2009 - KFSM - Vaughan Jarrold - Barn talk
 08-30-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold - Purpose Driven Church
 08-30-2009 - Steve Smith - In the hand of the Lord
 08-29-2009 - Peter Belesky
 08-25-2009 - KFSM - Vaughan Jarrold - Authority
 08-25-2009 - KFSM - Steve Smith - The Gospel of Peace
 08-23-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold - Wisdom
 08-23-2009 - Steve Smith - Wild but wise, not weird
 08-22-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold - Wisdom
 08-18-2009 - KFSM - Steve Smith - Keys to moving in the Spirit
 08-16-2009 - Steve Smith - Power in his Bones
 08-16-2009 - Josh & Elaine Ortman - Discipleship Continued
 08-15-2009 - Donald Mapes - The Call, The Cost, The Challenge
 08-14-2009 - Steve Smith - Forget What Lies Behind
 08-09-2009 Lifegroups Kickoff Mtg - Gary Whittaker
 08-09-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold - Reconciliation
 08-09-2009 - Steve Smith - Falling under the power
 08-08-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold - Faith by Forgiveness
 08-07-2009 - Steve Smith - Moving Towards An Open Heaven
 08-04-2009 - KFSM - Vaughan Jarrold - Fulfilling Your Ministry
 08-02-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold - Being Valuable
 08-01-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold - Almost and Altogether Pursuaded
 07-31-2009 - Steve Smith - Upper and Lower Springs
 07-31-2009 - Mike Petzer - Are You Dead Yet
 07-30-2009 - Mike Petzer - Hear What God Says
 07-30-2009 - Mike Petzer - Get Afflicted
 07-29-2009 - Mike Petzer - See As God Sees
 07-28-2009 - KFSM - Steve Smith
 07-26-2009 - Josh & Elaine Ortman - Discipleship & Righteousness
 07-26-2009 - Fred Plant & Steve Smith - Sowing & Waves
 07-25-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold - The Will of God
 07-24-2009 - Steve Smith - Who Healed You
 07-21-2009 - KFSM - Vaughan Jarrold - Newburgh Church Plant
 07-21-2009 - KFSM - Steve Smith - More than you could ask for
 07-19-2009 - Steve Smith - Impartation
 07-19-2009 - Gary Whittaker - The Local Church
 07-18-2009 - Donald Mapes - Die to Self
 07-17-2009 - Steve Smith - How Faith Comes
 07-14-2009 - KFSM - Vaughan Jarrold - You Are Not Alone
 07-14-2009 - KFSM - Steve Smith - Sent to Evangelize
 07-12-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold - Servant Church
 07-10-2009 - Steve Smith - New Wineskins
 07-07-2009 - KFSM - Vaughan Jarrold - Vision
 07-07-2009 - KFSM - Steve Smith - What is Spiritual Impartation
 07-05-2009 - Steve Smith - Explosions in the Spirit
 07-05-2009 - Pastor Ephiel - Connections
 07-04-2009 - Pastor Ephiel - Faith
 07-03-2009 - Steve Smith
 06-30-2009 - KFSM - The 7 Annointings
 06-28-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold - A Discipleship Church
 06-27-2009 - NOW Generation
 06-27-2009 - KFSM - Steve Smith - Practicality in Revival
 06-26-2009 - Steve Smith - Spots on a leopard
 06-23-2009 - KFSM - Vaughan Jarrold - Faith Comes by Hearing
 06-23-2009 - KFSM - Steve Smith - Friendship in Revival
 06-21-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold - Hungry Church
 06-21-2009 - Steve Smith - Zambia Sendoff
 06-20-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold - Consider Your Ways
 06-20-2009 - KFSM - Vaughan Jarrold - Yoke of Marriage
 06-20-2009 - KFSM - Steve Smith Secret to Revival Success
 06-16-2009 - KFSM - Vaughan Jarrold - Bless That Man
 06-16-2009 - KFSM - Steve Smith - Way to the healing miracles
 06-14-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold - Kings Fire Intl
 06-13-2009 - KFSM - Vaughan Jarrold - Complete Honesty
 06-13-2009 - KFSM - Steve Smith - Faith
 06-12-2009 - Steve Smith - Price of Revival
 06-09-2009 - KFSM
 06-07-2009 - Steve Smith - Relationships
 06-07-2009 - Steve Smith - Evening
 06-06-2009 - Steve Smith
 06-06-2009 - KFSM
 06-05-2009 - Steve Smith
 05-31-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold & Chuck Girard
 05-31-2009 - Chuck Girard
 05-30-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold
 05-29-2009 - Steve Smith
 05-26-2009 - KFSM
 05-24-2009 - Crossing Over - Steve Smith
 05-23-2009 - Moving Into The Realms - Steve Smith
 05-23-2009 - KFSM
 05-22-2009 - Steve Smith
 05-19-2009 - KFSM
 05-17-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold
 05-17-2009 - Steve Smith - Empty Vessels
 05-16-2009 - Roy Fields
 05-16-2009 - KFSM
 05-15-2009 - Roy Fields
 05-12-2009 - KFSM
 05-10-2009 - Josh Ortman & Vaughan Jarrold
 05-10-2009 - Baptisms
 05-09-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold
 05-09-2009 - KFSM
 05-08-2009 - Steve Smith
 05-05-2009 - KFSM
 05-03-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold
 05-03-2009 - Steve Smith
 05-02-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold
 05-02-2009 - KFSM
 05-01-2009 - Steve Smith
 04-29-2009 - Dr Leon van Rooyen
 04-28-2009 - Dr Leon van Rooyen
 04-27-2009 - Dr Leon van Rooyen
 04-26-2009 - Dr Leon van Rooyen
 04-25-2009 - KFSM
 04-24-2009 - Steve Smith
 04-21-2009 - KFSM
 04-19-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold
 04-19-2009 - Steve Smith
 04-18-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold
 04-18-2009 - KFSM
 04-17-2009 - Steve Smith
 04-12-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold
 04-11-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold
 04-10-2009 - Steve Smith
 04-07-2009 - KFSM
 04-05-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold
 04-05-2009 - Steve Smith
 03-29-2009 - Every Promise Fulfilled
 03-28-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold
 03-27-2009 - Steve Smith
 03-24-2009 - KFSM
 03-22-2009 - Apostolic Foundation
 03-21-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold
 03-20-2009 - Steve Smith
 03-17-2009 - KFSM
 03-15-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold
 03-15-2009 - Steve Smith
 03-14-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold
 03-14-2009 - KFSM
 03-13-2009 - Steve Smith - Praise
 03-08-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold
 03-07-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold
 03-06-2009 - Steve Smith
 03-05-2009 - Andy Elmes
 03-04-2009 - Andy Elmes
 03-01-2009 - Steve Smith
 02-28-2009 - Vaughan Jarrold
 02-27-2009 - Steve Smith
 02-25-2009 - Steve Smith
 02-24-2009 - Steve Smith
 02-22-2009 II - Steve Smith
 02-22-2009 I - Steve Smith
 02-21-2009 - Steve Smith
 02-20-2009 - Steve Smith
 02-15-2009 - Roy Fields
 02-14-2009 - Roy Fields
 02-13-2009 - Roy Fields
 02-12-2009 - Roy Fields
 02-11-2009 - Roy Fields
 02-10-2009 - Roy Fields
 02-08-2009 - Roy Fields II
 02-08-2009 - Roy Fields
 02-07-2009 - Roy Fields
 02-06-2009 - Roy Fields
 02-01-2009 Fast Lane
 01-31-2009 Fast Lane
 01-25-2009 Fast Money
 01-24-2009 Fast Money
 01-18-2009 Fast Forward - Gary Whittaker
 01-17-2009 Fast Forward - Dan Ray and Elaine Ortman
 01-11-2009 Fast Food II
 01-04-2009 Fast Food I - Diane Caliendo
 01-03-2009 Fast Food I - Rich Caliendo
 12-28-2008 Embrace the World
 12-27-2008 Embrace the World
 12-21-2008 A Virgin Conceived
 12-20-2008 A Virgin Conceived
 12-14-2008 We Will Leave The Light On
 12-13-2008 We Will Leave The Light On
 12-07-2008 RAW Christianity III - Philip Smethurst
 12-06-2008 RAW Christianity II - Philip Smethurst
 12-05-2008 RAW Christianity I - Philip Smethurst
 11-30-2008 ThanksLiving 2
 11-29-2008 ThanksLiving 2
 11-23-2008 ThanksLiving 1
 11-22-2008 ThanksLiving 1
 11-16-2008 Waging War According to Prophecy
 11-15-2008 Waging War According to Prophecy
 11-09-2008 Waging War According to Generosity
 11-08-2008 Waging War According to Generosity
 11-02-2008 Council
 11-01-2008 Council
 10-26-2008 Waging War According to Praise - Phil Chorlian
 10-25-2008 Waging War According to Praise - Phil Chorlian
 10-19-2008 Waging War - Prayer
 10-18-2008 Waging War - Prayer
 10-12-2008 Love 146 - Kathy Maskell
 10-11-2008 Waging War
 10-05-2008 Waging War According to the Word - Rich Caliendo
 10-04-2008 Waging War According to the Word - Rich Caliendo
 09-28-2008 New Wine
 09-27-2008 New Wine
 09-21-2008 New Song
 09-20-2008 New Song
 09-14-2008 New Deal
 09-13-2008 New Deal
 09-07-2008 New Day
 09-06-2008 New Day
 08-31-2008 What Is Your Confession
 08-30-2008 What Is Your Confession
 08-24-2008 What Is Your Song
 08-23-2008 What Is Your Song
 08-17-2008 Who Are We - Tony Raiola
 08-16-2008 Who Are We - Josh Ortman
 08-10-2008 Who Is Our Enemy
 08-09-2008 Who Is Our Enemy
 08-03-2008 Who Is King - Diane Caliendo
 08-02-2008 Who Is King - Rich Caliendo
 07-27-2008 Love Your Neighbor
 07-26-2008 Love Your Neighbor
 07-20-2008 Love Your Friends
 07-19-2008 Love Your Friends
 07-17-2008 Brother Augustine
 07-13-2008 Love Your Family
 07-06-2008 Love Your Country
 07-05-2008 Love Your Country
 06-29-2008 Faith or Fear
 06-28-2008 Faith or Fear
 06-22-2008 Fact or Truth
 06-21-2008 Fact or Truth
 06-15-2008 Fathers Love
 06-14-2008 Fathers Love
 06-08-2008 Focus on His Kingdom
 06-07-2008 Focus on His Kingdom
 06-01-2008 Gods Timing - Gary and The Caliendos
 05-31-2008 Gods Timing - Gary and Josh
 05-25-2008 Investment and Return
 05-24-2008 Investment and Return
 05-18-2008 Your Growth
 05-17-2008 Your Growth
 05-11-2008 Your Faith
 05-10-2008 Your Faith
 05-04-2008 True Faith
 05-03-2008 True Faith
 04-27-2008 Get Connected To Your Community
 04-26-2008 Get Connected To Your Community
 04-20-2008 Get Connected to the Family
 04-19-2008 Get Connected to the Family
 04-13-2008 Get Connected With Yourself
 04-12-2008 Get Connected With Yourself
 04-06-2008 Get Connected To God
 04-05-2008 Get Connected To God
 04-03-2008 Donkeys For Jesus - Andy Elmes
 04-03-2008 A Standard Of Excellence - Andy Elmes
 03-30-2008 In God We Trust - Pat Byrne
 03-23-2008 Arise & Shine
 03-22-2008 Arise & Shine
 03-16-2008 Rock Around The Clock
 03-15-2008 Rock Around The Clock
 03-09-2008 What Shape Are You II
 03-08-2008 What Shape Are You II
 03-02-2008 What Shape Are You
 03-01-2008 What Shape Are You - Sat nite
 02-17-2008 His Story
 02-10-2008 Your Story
 02-03-2008 Vaughans Story
 01-27-2008 Getting Fit
 01-20-2008 Hands and Knees
 01-13-2008 Two Pillars
 01-06-2008 Pressing In - Rich Caliendo
 12-30-2007 Spiritual CPR - Diane Caliendo
 12-23-2007 A Christmas Carol
 12-16-2007 The Sounds of Faith
 12-09-2007 Faith Is Spiritual Substance - Pastor Efiel
 12-09-2007 Dont Give A Fig
 12-02-2007 Luke-Warm Pepsi
 11-18-2007 Go West Young Man
 11-16-2007 Mike Petzer - Dominant Spirit
 11-11-2007 Get Off Ellis Island
 11-04-2007 Welcome to Ellis Island
 10-28-2007 Our Common Union
 10-21-2007 Josh Ortman - Taste and See
 10-14-2007 HNL
 10-07-2007 Overland Missions NE Conf Sunday Service
 10-06-2007 Overland Missions NE Conf Sat Nite - Philip Smethurst
 10-06-2007 Overland Missions NE Conf Sat Morn - Vaughan Jarrold
 10-05-2007 Overland Missions NE Conf Fri Nite - David Philips
 09-30-2007 Who Are You Working For
 09-23-2007 Who Are You Looking At
 09-16-2007 You Are Innocent
 09-09-2007 Help Them Live Or Watch Them Die
 09-02-2007 Its Me Again
 08-26-2007 Who Are You Talking To
 08-12-2007 You're In A War
 08-05-2007 Swiss Army Knife
 07-22-2007 London Fog
 07-15-2007 Stuck
 07-08-2007 Sacrificial Glory
 07-01-2007 Old Glory
 06-24-2007 His Glory
 06-17-2007 A Fathers Touch
 06-10-2007 In His Presence
 06-03-2007 Welcome Home
 05-27-2007 Wendy Jarrold - A Woman In Love
 05-20-2007 Enlarge Your Tent
 05-13-2007 Mothers Day
 05-06-2007 Thy Will Be Done
 04-22-2007 Fellow Worker
 04-15-2007 The Old And The New
 04-08-2007 Resurrection Life (2nd service)
 04-08-2007 Resurrection Life (1st service)
 04-01-2007 Donkeys For Jesus
 03-25-2007 Rich Caliendo - Home Group Support
 03-25-2007 Diane Caliendo - Launching Homegroups
 03-18-2007 Building Houses
 03-11-2007 Building Together
 03-04-2007 The Church And The House (Ist service)
 03-04-2007 The Church And The House (2nd service)
 02-25-2007 As Your Soul Prospers (2nd service)
 02-25-2007 As Your Soul Prospers (1st service)
 02-18-2007 Tabernacle of David (2nd service)
 02-18-2007 Tabernacle of David (1st service)
 02-11-2007 Invitation to the Dance (2nd service)
 02-11-2007 Invitation to the Dance (1st service)
 02-04-2007 Seek Ye First Mondays (1st service)
 02-04-2007 How To Enjoy Mondays (2nd service)
 01-28-2007 The Tithe (2nd service)
 01-28-2007 The Tithe (1st service)
 01-21-2007 Cut the Onion (2nd service)
 01-21-2007 Cut the Onion (1st service)
 01-17-2007 Five-Fold Ministry
 01-14-2007 The Mirror of the Gospel (2nd service)
 01-14-2007 The Mirror of the Gospel (1st service)
 01-07-2007 The Gospel
 12-31-2006 Nicole Carlino - Being Stretched
 12-31-2006 Josh Ortman - Living One Day at a Time
 12-24-2006 Christmas (2nd service)
 12-24-2006 Christmas (1st service)
 12-17-2006 Generosity (2nd service)
 12-17-2006 Generosity (1st service)
 12-10-2006 Gratitude (1st service)
 12-03-2006 Self-Indulgence and Greed (2nd service)
 12-03-2006 Self-Indulgence and Greed (1st service)
 11-26-2006 (2nd service)
 11-26-2006 (1st service)
 11-19-2006 Ministry of Reconcilliation (2nd service)
 11-19-2006 Ministry of Reconcilliation (1st service)
 11-12-2006 One Perfect Relationship (2nd service)
 11-12-2006 One Perfect Relationship (1st service)
 11-05-2006 (2nd service)
 11-05-2006 (1st service)
 10-29-2006 Lisa Flynn - Removing Your 3-D Glasses (1st service)
 10-29-2006 Elaine Ortman - The River of Fire (2nd service)
 10-22-2006 The Journey (2nd service incomplete)
 10-22-2006 The Journey (1st service)
 10-19-2006 Andy Elmes - The Power in the Temple
 10-15-2006 Like A Child
 10-08-2006 Rain Down
 10-01-2006 Mountain Or Molehill Faith
 09-24-2006 Lord Help My Unbelief (1st service)
 09-17-2006 Strangers In The Night
 09-10-2006 A Heartbeat Under The Rubble (2nd service)
 09-10-2006 A Heartbeat Under The Rubble (1st service)
 08-27-2006 A Like Precious Faith
 08-13-2006 Just Believe (2nd service)
 08-13-2006 Just Believe (1st service)
 12-29-2005 - Vaughan Jarrold - Heavenly Barns
 01-16-2005 I Yam What I Yam - Vaughan Jarrold